So I’m playing it again: the best RPG of its day, and still a really good computer game, Fallout. This game kicks ass. Why does it kick ass? I’m glad you asked! Fallout kicks ass for two very good reasons. The first is that it is the first RPG video game that was actually an RPG… You could make what ever kind or character you wanted, and do whatever you want in the game. Paul has decided to kill everyone in the game. While this may not be the most fun way of play, it is one possible way. Right now I’m playing a weak, fast-talking character. He can talk his way out of almost every situation. It’s sweet. The second reason this game rocks is its genre: Post Apocalyptic. Can you say grit? This game combines all the best elements from Mad Max (one of the best movies EVER!) and many other post apocalyptic films and mixes it with a classic Sci-Fi story line, which includes: long lasting fallout shelters cut off from the outside world, a brotherhood devoted to maintaining technology and, of course, evil mutants bent of destroying all other life and world conquest. Fallout was followed by two sequels, neither of which I have played through, but both of which I hear good things about. And if all this hype wasn’t enough, the game has its own mascot.
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