Dan vs the World

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Pushee’s wedding

So I’m back, after a long weekend. What did I do this weekend you might ask! I went to America! Long ass weekend. Anyway, our boy Pushee got hitched. It was a good time, even though I was incredibly tired, was coughing up a lung, and didn’t get to see Star Wars, but hey what can you do? It was a good time, good to see the old country, speak a little English, bitch more about Japan, have some good homemade food, and most importantly, see some good friends. It was just an appetizer for my triumphant return in July. Here’s a picture of the groomsmen, thus proving that I was actually there.

The boys, (minus Chirs) 

So, to Matt and Cathy, hope your having a brilliant honeymoon and good luck!

So after this trip I have arrived at the conclusions that traveling sucks and that the people who own the Airlines should be bagged in a burlap sack, severely beaten with a nightstick, and shot. It’s not that I mind being pent up like a sardine for 13 hours next to a huge, smelly guy named Butch, getting served sub-human food by disgruntled stewardesses, and having the guy in front of me recline into my kneecaps for 99% of the flight…….. wait a sec…… yeah, actually I do mind that. Stupid Airlines. You can’t even complain, cause if you do, you’re a terrorist. These guys got it made in the shade. Next time I want to drop some money to be insulted and uncomfortable, I’ll just go to see episode I again. ooohhhh BURN. That’s right, Episode I and II both sucked! I still have to see III. Anywho, I feel a coughing fit coming on. Later!


At 5:21 PM, Blogger emily parkes aged 13 said...

so did you do on that weekend


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